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Youth Civic Engagement Summit


Thank you for attending LWVOR's Youth Civic Engagement Summit! Learn more about Youth Council and our mission to educate young and soon-to-be voters! View or print the event program here. 


Please let us know about your experience at the event. Submit your event feedback form here.



10:00-10:20                       Welcome/Intros/Setting Expectations/Group Norms

10:20-10:50                       Workshop #1: Advocacy in Digital Spaces and How to Combat Misinformation and


11:00-11:20                       Networking/Community Building and/or Break

11:20-12:20                       Workshop #2: Advocacy & Protest Safety w/ interactive zine-making session

12:20-12:30                       Transition to lunch

12:30-1:15                         Lunch

1:15-2:00                            Workshop #3: Leap Into the Legislature  (Includes interactive build your own elevator

                                                   pitch session)

2:00-2:45                            Roundtable/Q&A

2:45-3:00                            Commitments/Closing/Thank yous

Program and Other Resources

Thank you to our sponsors and supporters!

This program is made possible in part by a grant from Oregon Humanities and the National Endowment for the Humanities.

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