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Childcare Methods Study Update 2023

About the Study

The LWVOR Board adopted this completed restudy on January 25th, 2023. Child care concerns have changed dramatically since our  1988 - Childcare In Oregon  publication.

At Convention 2021, LWV of Washington County proposed a restudy of LWVOR's 1985 Childcare Position. The current pandemic has highlighted and exacerbated childcare issues and inequities.​

The LWVOR Board adopted this completed restudy on January 25th, 2023. Child care concerns have changed dramatically since our  1988 - Childcare In Oregon  publication. Our advocacy position has not changed. You can find a downloadable version of the restudy here. 

LWVOR's position on Child Care: First adopted March 1989

The League of Women Voters of Oregon believes that child care is a social and economic issue that reaches beyond the family into the community. Quality child care needs to be available, accessible and affordable to all families for children of all ages and with differing needs. 

  • The League of Women Voters supports a diverse child care system to accommodate different parental choices and needs. Such a system may include day care centers, group homes, and family day care homes.

    • The State of Oregon should establish appropriate standards to ensure that high quality care exists in all settings. For centers and group homes: these standards should address facilities, staff qualifications, and number of children served. Program, parent/care giver communication, administration and transportation should be included for centers and may also be considered for group homes. There should be flexible guidelines for family day care homes because of the unique character of these facilities.

    • The State of Oregon should enforce mandatory regulations by funding a sufficient number of inspectors.

    • The State of Oregon should set requirements for adequate training for care givers and ensure those training opportunities are available. This could include state provision of training and/or state incentives for others to provide training.

    • City and county governments should participate in enforcing health and fire standards.

  • Affordable child care should be available and accessible for children with differing needs and in various age groups.

    • While parents have the primary responsibility for choosing child care, a coordinated effort between parents and government, together with providers, employers, and private groups is necessary to deliver quality child care at an affordable price.

    • The State of Oregon should:

      1. Provide financial assistance for child care expenses to low- and middle-income families based on need. Such assistance could include tax credits for parents with a ceiling based on income.

      2. Support resource and referral programs.

      3. Encourage employer involvement in the child care system.

      4. Encourage development of school-age child care programs.

    • Parents in job training, in school, with special-needs children and/or needing respite care services should be eligible for financial assistance for child care based on demonstrated need. 

Child caregivers should be awarded recognition commensurate with their responsibilities. The State of Oregon should take a leadership role in elevating the professional status of child caregivers and ensuring adequate compensation. National Position (adopted in 1988): “Support programs, services, and policies at all levels of government to expand the supply of affordable, quality child care for all who need it, in order to increase access to employment and to prevent and reduce poverty.”


Caring For Our Children

Caring For Our Children Study, PDF, 28 pages 


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