Start a League Unit
No League in your community? Start one!
You can use the LWV “Member-at-State” (MAS) Unit process to begin empowering voters and defending democracy in your community!
With LWV MAS Units, administrative functions like financial management, by-laws, membership management and incorporating are initially handled by LWVOR, and you will have a mentor to help each step of the way.
Individuals without a local League or Unit are welcome to join our State League.

Getting Started as a Member: Easy as 1-2-3
1. We welcome you to JOIN the League of Women Voters of Oregon.
2. Sign up for free LWVOR communications and Legislative Reports (during session).
3. Email for questions and connection to mentors.
Initial steps for becoming a state League Unit
1. The idea for forming a new League arises, either through citizen inquiry or board initiative.
2. A nucleus of interested citizens is recruited and become League members.
3. State mentors are appointed and confer (in person when possible, by phone and online) with
the interested group.
4. An informational planning meeting is scheduled, and the decision to proceed is made to:
connect with experienced League mentors to play a key role helping your group plan an
organizational community meeting
send an important signal about the League's commitment to reflecting concerns of all citizens
give the group an opportunity to share leadership
chart the League's future with diverse community members to bring about positive change
5. Preparations commence with mentoring and an organizational meeting is held.
6. League members complete requirements for recognition as a state League Unit with:
✔ Five or more current League members
✔ Leadership Team selected (Unit Coordinator or Co-Chairs, etc…)
✔ Geographic Area to be served is identified to incorporate into Unit name
✔ Nonpartisanship policy established - see Appendix I
7. The LWVOR Board organizes/recognizes the state League Unit.
Starting Point for New League Units
For more information review our new unit formation guidelines: Starting Point for New League Units