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Social Policy Team


Coordinator: Jean Pierce  

  • After-School Care and Children’s Service: Katie Riley

  • Behavioral Health: Karen Nibler, Stephany Aller

  • Education: Jean Pierce

  • Equal Rights for All: Jean Pierce, Kyra Aguon

  • Gun Safety and Gun Issues, Rights for Incarcerated People: Marge Easley

  • Hate and Bias Crimes: Claudia Keith, Becky Gladstone

  • Higher Education: Jean Pierce

  • Immigration/Refugee/Asylum: Claudia Keith

  • Health Care: Christa Danielsen,

  • M110 Public Safety, Justice Issues: Karen Nibler

  • School-Based Health Centers: Chloe Acosta, Anai Beng

  • Housing: Debbie Aiona, Nancy Donovan

  • Gender-Related Concerns, Reproductive Health, Age Discrimination: Trish Garner

Note:  Education reports after January, 2024, are included in Social policy reports. Education reports prior to February, 2024, can be found HERE.


Please see the Legislation Tracker for 2025 Social Policy bills.

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After School and Summer

By Katie Riley

During the week of March 10 the Joint Committee on Ways & Means on Education heard testimony from the Department of Education regarding their budget requests.  The reports included another review of the results of the 2024 HB 4082 summer funding and proposed 2025 funding of $78.5 million (includes funding for 7 ODE positions to collect and analyze data). On March 13th HB 2007 was filed to amend the summer learning grant program to provide specific requirements to increase accountability regarding academic learning. The bill does not differentiate between summer school and after school hours' activities.  

On March 12 the Senate Committee on Education heard testimony on SB 141 to study methods to increase accountability in education.  This bill seems more aspirational in terms of designing accountability for the future.  Possibly, there may be some meshing of requirements.  It is hoped that separate funding of afterschool and summer after school hours funding can be provided through SB 876 and HB3162. 

Behavioral Health

By Stephanie Aller

HB 2059 directs the Oregon Health Authority  to create a unit dedicated to building sufficient adult behavioral health facilities in the state. The bill will have a public hearing before the House Committee on Behavioral Health and Health Care on March 25.

HB 3129 establishes the Higher Education Behavioral Health Workforce Expansion Fund. The bill had a public hearing in front of the House Committee on Higher Education and Workforce Development on February 25. LWVOR submitted testimony for that hearing. Another public hearing and work session has been scheduled for March 18.

SB 527 had a public hearing in front of the Senate Committee on Early Childhood and Behavioral Health on March 13. The bill directs OHA to distribute grants to local workforce development boards. The local workforce boards would partner with other entities to conduct behavioral health education and training for high school students. Senator Patterson testified that SB 527 is the only bill this session focused on training workers for entry-level jobs in behavioral health. It is based on a successful pilot program in Marion County.


By Jean Pierce

Recent Advocacy – Removing Cap on Special Education funding

HB 2953-A LWVOR submitted testimony supporting HB2953-A, which would remove the percentage cap on the amount of money distributed from the State School Fund to districts for special education students. Eighty-eight percent of school districts throughout Oregon have exceeded the cap, but the waiver which is available to those districts has covered only 30% of the amount of funding which they received for students under the cap. Since public schools are required to accommodate these students’ needs, they must make cuts in other programs.

Education Budget Request Reports

The Joint Subcommittee on Education is currently hearing from agencies describing how they have used funding and their plans for the future. Resources for the discussion include the powerpoint for this week’s presentations which address provisions of SB5515. This gives a valuable overview of Department of Education agencies. Presentations are scheduled to continue at least until March 25th. 

Impact of Federal Actions on Oregon

During the past week, the workforce at the U.S. Department of Education was slashed in half.  Although shutting down the Department altogether would require a vote from Congress, slashing the staff would achieve a similar result.  

Just last month, hundreds of millions in research grants funded by USED were cut . According to OPB. ”public records provided by OSU and Portland State University, the grant-funded work that’s been directed to stop varies widely from wildfire research to cybersecurity training to behavioral healthcare studies. The orders originate from a dozen different federal agencies. Among others, PSU has received orders to pause studies funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the U.S. Department of Transportation and Department of Energy. OSU received similar directions from the U.S. Agency for International Development, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Interior Department.”

The University of Oregon is frequently updating this webpage announcing federal executive orders and research activities.  

Thousands of hearings on discrimination in the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) were cancelled when half of the OCR offices were closed around the country. Oregonians are referred to the Seattle branch of OCR, which remains open.

More than 300 employees in the Federal Student Aid office were terminated, as well,   slashing more than a quarter of the division in charge of student loans and college tuition grants. Nevertheless, the DOE claims that it will "continue to deliver on all statutory programs that fall under the agency's purview, including formula funding, student loans, Pell Grants, funding for special needs students, and competitive grantmaking. Unfortunately, no plan has been suggested for how that might happen.

The Education Law Center has a helpful tool showing how much federal funding for K-12 education each state is receiving for FY 2025. The total for Oregon is more than $433 Million. This includes close to $200 million for Title 1 (funding for educating low income students) and more than $170 million for IDEA (funding education of students with special needs).

While chaos in the Department of Education is capturing the headlines, Congress is also poised to consider S 292, The Educational Choice for Children Act, a $10 billion dollar annual national private school voucher program. Donors would receive tax credits for up to 10% of their adjusted gross income. In Oregon, this could mean initiatives like school vouchers, tax credits, or education savings accounts (ESAs) that would allow parents to use public funds for their child's education at a school of their choice, including private and homeschooling. Many of these private schools are religious. Equally concerning is that the bill prohibits measures of accountability – donors would simply need to claim that the expenses have some connection to education. It is possible that this measure, which is proposing a change in the tax code, will be folded into a large budget reconciliation bill. The bill represents the federal government’s plans to phase out funding of public education. The loss of roughly 10% (or more for some districts) of total funding that comes from the federal government would be devastating to students and schools in public schools in Oregon.

Gun Policy

By Marge Easley

On March 13, the House and Senate Judiciary Committees held a joint informational hearing on gun policy with invited testimony from a wide range of gun violence prevention groups, including the Alliance for a Safe Oregon, OHSU Gun Violence Prevention Research Center, Johns Hopkins University Center for Gun Violence Solutions, Portland Police Bureau, Brady United, Giffords Law Center, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Everytown for Gun Safety, and Multnomah County Public Health Department. The purpose was to underscore the need for additional gun safety laws and to set the stage for upcoming hearings. 

HB 3075, the first gun bill of the session, contains the nuts-and-bolts implementation details for Measure 114 and will be heard in House Judiciary on March 17. Measure 114, strongly supported by the League and passed by voters in 2022, requires a permit to purchase a firearm and bans high-capacity magazines. Since that time it has been held up in the courts on constitutional grounds, but on March 12 a long-awaited verdict from the Oregon Court of Appeals declared it constitutional. A likely appeal will take the case to the Oregon Supreme Court, but passage of HB 3075, along with the -1 amendment, will help to ensure a smooth roll-out of the measure.  

HB 3076, which directs the Department of Justice to study the establishment of a state gun dealer licensing program, has a March 20 hearing date. The aim is to prevent the flow of illegal guns to our communities by way of gun shop thefts and straw purchases. The League will be submitting supportive testimony. 


By Christa Danielson

HB 2010 A will continue critical state funding for the Oregon Health Plan by continuing the assessments on health plans, hospitals and the Oregon reinsurance program. The bill has passed through the House and Revenue Committees and will be having the final reading in the Senate on Monday March 17th. The League submitted testimony.

HB 2040  would establish a complaint process for providers to submit complaints against health insurers to the Department of Consumer and Business Services or Oregon Health Authority,  Still in committee, no hearing as yet.

SB 296 would study 1) ways to expedite eligibility for Medicaid for patients leaving the hospital,  2)  needed changes to regulations around adult foster homes and residential care facilities and 3) how to expand medical respite programs.This bill was formed from a work group to study discharges from the hospital to relieve bottlenecking and long stays in the hospital. Has passed the Senate. Referred to Ways and Means.

HB 3225 stipulates that to have controlling interest in a practice of medicine the physicians must be licensed in this state, be actively involved in managing patient’s care and reside within the state. Public hearing scheduled 3/25.


By Nancy Donovan and Debbie Aiona

LWVOR submitted a letter in support of HB 2968 -- Delayed schedule fee payment, Municipal Development Protection Fund. This bill, if passed, will reduce development costs for new housing projects and at the same time ensure that local jurisdictions receive the System Development Charge (SDC) payments they need to build the infrastructure needed to support the growth that comes along with new housing. HB 2968 allows local governments to defer SDC payments owed by developers until 180 days after the certificate of occupancy has been issued. Affordable housing developers would have up to one year to pay their fees. 

Oregon Housing and Community Services would create a Municipal Development Protection Fund to cover the cost of unpaid fees. The Fund would be responsible for collecting unpaid fees from the developers. This program will reduce costs for all housing developers by reducing the need to take on debt in order to cover their fees but will benefit low-income housing developers to an even greater extent.

SB 722 is scheduled for a public hearing on March 19 before the Senate Committee on Housing and Development. The bill would prohibit residential landlords from using Artificial Intelligence (AI) software to artificially set rents or occupancy rates. The bill would amend the Landlord-Tenant Act to prohibit the use of price-fixing AI software. This practice is the subject of national attention and concern, and Oregon has joined a federal lawsuit in opposition of this practice. Many local jurisdictions are trying to curtail the use of this tool to protect renters from such rent spikes.

It also shortens the new construction exemption for rent stabilization from 15 years to 7 years, protecting Oregonians in newer units from unlimited rent hikes while still promoting development and preventing gentrification-driven displacement. 

HB 2964 is scheduled for a public hearing by the House Committee on Housing and Homelessness on March 19. This bill would require Housing and Community Services (OHCS) to fund predevelopment costs to develop affordable housing for low-income households to rent or own. The Department will also provide technical assistance to nonprofits who receive grants or loans. 

The bill would establish an Affordable Housing Predevelopment Loan Fund. Money from the General Fund will be allocated to the department to award grants and loans for predevelopment costs of developing housing subject to affordability restrictions to make the properties affordable to low-income households. 

Reproductive Health

By Patricia Garner

SB 548, that requires an individual to be age 18 in order to marry passed the Senate with only one Nay vote. It has been referred to the House Judiciary Committee. At this time there is no organized opposition against the bill. The League submitted testimony for it.

Interested in reading additional reports? Please see our Climate EmergencyGovernance, and Natural Resources report sections.

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