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Action Alert: SUPPORT HB 3187, Prevent Workplace Age Discrimination

Date: March 18, 2025

To: All LWVOR members

From: Barbara Klein, Acting President, LWVOR

Jean Pierce, Action Chair

Patricia Garner, Portfolio Advocate

Take Action: Contact House Labor and Workplace Standards Committee and Support HB 3187

Request: Schedule and hold a Work Session so that committee members can vote in support of HB 3187. If a Work Session isn’t scheduled by THIS FRIDAY, March 21st, and held by April 9th, the bill will not proceed any further in this Legislative Session.

Deadline: March 20

Talking Points

This bill is important because: 

1. Even though older workers provide value by hard work, competence, and experience, there is an all-too-common presumption that it’s time for the older workers to move on and allow someone else to fill the slot. This must stop–older Oregonians have to support themselves and their families too. 

2. People might say that we already have an age discrimination law. We do, but it’s time to close the legal loophole in this law. Workers should be permitted to introduce evidence of salary disparities, length of service or pension/retirement status. Without that evidence, they can’t prove their case.

3. Employers should not be able to require disclosure of age or graduation dates by job applicants, unless a conditional offer of employment has been made or the job itself requires it. These days, computers and HR managers routinely reject applications based on age. This isn’t fair! 

Additional Information

If you need any additional information, go to Oregon'sAARP website

If you have any questions or want to volunteer, please



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