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Action Alert: Be Heard On Redistricting!

Your First Chance To Be Heard Personally On Redistricting!

Date: March 6, 2021 To: All League Members From: Rebecca Gladstone, LWVOR President Norman Turrill, LWVOR Governance Coordinator Chris Cobey, LWVOR Redistricting Specialist Next Tuesday evening, Oregon state House and Senate redistricting committees will commence a series of ten public hearings – two for each of Oregon’s five congressional districts – to hear from you. Where do you think your community district lines should be drawn?

  • What does your ideal congressional or legislative district look like? Why?

  • What “community of common interest” represents you?

  • What kind of a district do you not want your neighborhood placed in?

Hearings start March 9, schedules are here and in this linked flyer. Read LWVOR’s written testimony or verbal testimony, here at 39:00. You can testify from home, submit written testimony – or both. It’s pretty easy! Follow suggestions to submit written testimony. Instructions for presenting live remote verbal testimony are in each hearing agenda. Remind legislators – verbally, in writing, or both – of the long-standing LWVOR and LWVUS goal to use independent Citizens’ Redistricting Commissions in this process – and now is a great time to refer a constitutional amendment to voters for that. Suggest using the very common legislative option, a citizens’ advisory committee. Contact Chris Cobey (he/him/his;, 650.743.5653) with any questions.

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