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Legislative Report - Week of 3/24

Natural Resources Team


Coordinator: Peggy Lynch  

  • Agriculture/Goal 3 Land Use: Sandra Bishop

  • Coastal Issues: Christine Moffitt, Peggy Lynch

  • Columbia River Treaty: Philip Thor

  • Emergency Management: Rebecca Gladstone, Lily Yao

  • Forestry: Josie Koehne

  • Elliott State Research Forest: Peggy Lynch

  • Northwest Energy Coalition: Robin Tokmakian

  • Oregon Health Authority Drinking Water Advisory Committee: Sandra Bishop

  • Water: Peggy Lynch

  • Wildfire: Carolyn Mayers

  • Ways and Means Natural Resource Budgets/Revenue: Peggy Lynch

Please see Natural Resources Overview here.

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SB 726 requires the owner or operator of a municipal solid waste landfill to conduct surface emissions monitoring and report data as specified in the Act. LWVOR supports. A possible work session is set for March 26 in the Senate Committee On Energy and Environment.


By Sandra Bishop

HB 2647 would allow cities to bring land within the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) for industrial use. We will likely oppose this proposal unless it is made clear that this bill does not preclude review and adherence to statewide land use planning goals and laws. A public hearing is scheduled 3/31 in the House Housing & Homelessness Committee. A work session is scheduled 4/7.

HB 3928 would allow counties to supersede all statewide land use planning laws to site housing on rural lands. The League will likely oppose this bill. This proposal seems to be taking advantage of the panic around the very real need for more housing units in Oregon. It does not appear to be a well-thought-out approach to providing additional available and affordable housing, but rather an attempt to relegate all land use planning decisions related to citing housing in rural areas to counties. This would in essence preclude or circumvent statewide land use planning laws and goals that have been very effective at achieving a balance between urbanization and protecting farm and forest land. This bill is scheduled for a public hearing 3/31 and work session 4/7 in the House Housing & Homelessness Committee.

HB 3496 requires the Development of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) to write guidelines for citing childcare facilities to be used by city and county governments, including recommendations for childcare as a home occupation. Childcare as a home occupation may be compatible in some rural settings, but may not be healthy in proximity to certain agricultural or forestry operations. We are monitoring this bill and look forward to reviewing recommendations that DLCD staff bring forward. The need for more childcare centers should not be used to weaken protections for maintaining high value agricultural lands. Work session is scheduled 3/27 in the House Early Childhood and Human Service Committee.

The Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) meeting on March 20th included a public hearing on rulemaking for solar siting in eastern Oregon. The rules are required to implement HB 3409 (2023 session), specifically to reduce conflicts in siting solar projects. Staff presented a rulemaking update and answered questions from commissioners. Questions raised by commissioners included questions about the use of herbicides and whether or not other contaminants have been a problem on land-based solar projects. There was one report of a Klamath farmer losing organic certification attributed to a solar project. In answer to a question, staff clarified that any requirement for bonding for retirement of solar projects would be covered in statute, not this rulemaking.

Public testimony stressed the need to protect high value lands and farmers. The importance of restoration of land back to tillable soil at the end-of-life of a project was pointed out. Concern for water rights was brought up. A farmer or rancher should not lose water rights from lack of use because the land is utilized by a solar project. Proximity to UGB was argued from both perspectives – why would you want to surround a city with solar, thus limiting future UGB expansion or forcing leapfrog development? On the other hand, a social justice issue could be raised as to why solar projects should be cited on more rural lands further from an UGB. It was made explicit that under any goal exception the zoning should remain. Citing of solar should not result in zone change to industrial. No action was taken. The rules will be considered for adoption by July 1st, 2025. The final meeting of the Rules Advisory Committee will be April 4th. The public comment period ends April 11th.

Proposed rule amendments to the Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) Chapter 660 divisions 4, 6, 23, and 33, pertaining to Goal Exceptions, Forest Lands, Goal 5, and Agricultural Lands. Submit comments to:,,,  


SB 78 – Replacement dwelling bill, will have a possible work session scheduled on April 8 in the Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire

SB 77 – Home occupation reform bill which the League supports, and SB 788, a bill that would exempt some Eastern Oregon counties from certain land use laws, which we opposed did not get a work session. 

LWVOR testified in support of SB 77 and SB 78, and in opposition to SB 788Oregonlive provided comprehensive coverage of the debates around these bills.


By Peggy Lynch

The  Co-Chairs of Ways and Means provided their framework for the 2025-27 state budget.  Note on the last page the potential effect of federal budget cuts. This Oregonlive article suggests some of the most painful cuts.

The Joint Committee On Ways and Means Subcommittee On Capital Construction met on March 21st and received a report from the State Treasurer, including the 2025 bonding capacity:  “$2.22 Billion Issuance For Each Biennium, Or $1.11 Billion Annually”. We note that this capacity is based on the Sept. 2024 Revenue Forecast.  Also, there is a recommendation that bond sales be scattered throughout the biennium instead of waiting until the last quarter of the biennium. However, that means that the cost of debt service will have to be calculated into the 2025-27 budget. But scattering the sales can also provide the legislature with a pullback of those sales should the economy not support the ability of the state to back those bonds.

The Dept. of Administrative Services (DAS) on behalf of the Governor reported on the Governor’s bond requests in her 2025-27 budget. A complete list is available here 

Following are the budget bills we are watching in Natural Resources:

  • Dept. of Agriculture: SB 5502 Info mtgs. March 24 and 25 with public hearing March 26. Meeting Materials 

  • Dept. of Agriculture Fees: SB 5503 Info mtgs. March 24 and 25 with public hearing March 26.

  • Columbia River Gorge Commission: SB 5508 Info mtg. and public hearing March 13

  • DEQ:  SB 5520. Governor’s budget DEQ Fact Sheet tentative info mtgs. April 7-9, public hearing April 10

  • Oregon Dept. of Energy: SB 5518 info hearing 2/10, Meeting Materials, public hearing 2/11

  • Oregon Dept. of Energy Fees: SB 5519 info hearing 2/10, public hearing 2/11

  • Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife: HB 5009, tentative public hearings Mar. 31 & Apr. 1-2; 

  • Oregon Dept. of Forestry: SB 5521. Info hearing March 10 & 11. Public hearing March 12. Meeting Materials  (See Wildfire section for more information.)

  • Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries: HB 5010; Public hearing Feb. 5-6; Meeting materials; LWVOR testimony; Aggregate industry testified against the staffing and fee increases. LWVOR points out that KPM #4, mine inspections, has consistently NOT met the small 20% target so, if staffing is needed to meet that target AND fees increased to pay for them, we will continue to support. LWVOR supports SB 836, a bill that would significantly increase permit fees for mining related activities. See the agency’s presentation to understand the reasons for these increases. A work session is set for March 25.  HB 2785  modifying fees for DOGAMI is scheduled for a work session April 2nd.    

  • Dept. of Land Conservation and Development: SB 5528 Governor’s budget DLCD Fact Sheet Public hearing Feb. 3-4; LCDC 1/24 presentationMeeting Materials LWVOR testimony   

  • Land Use Board of Appeals: SB 5529; Public hearing Feb. 27; LWVOR testimony. SB 817 is a bill to request a minor fee increase (Passed the Senate Mar. 11. Referred to Agriculture, Land Use, Natural Resources, and Water.)  

  • Oregon State Marine Board: HB 5021; Public hearing Feb. 17 Meeting Materials 

  • Oregon State Parks and Recreation Dept.: HB 5026  info hearings March 3-4, public hearing March 5. Meeting Materials LWVOR testimony in part to address comments by the Legislative Fiscal Office. OPRD will need additional revenue sources for the 2027-29 biennium. 

  • Dept. of State Lands: SB 5539 Info hearing March 17. public hearing March 19. Meeting Materials. LWVOR testimony in support.  

  • Water Resources Dept.: SB 5543 Governor’s budget WRD Fact Sheet  Here is a summary of the Governor’s budget. Governor's Budget and Agency Request Budget documents are available online here. Info Mtg. & Public hearing Feb. 18-20.  Meeting Materials. LWVOR testimony. And the fee bills: support HB 2808 (Public hearing March 31; Work session April 7) and HB 2803 (Public hearing  March 31; Work session set for April 7). 

  • Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board: HB 5039. Info mtg. & Public hearing Feb. 25-27 LWVOR  testimony. Meeting Materials 

  • Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board 6-Year Limitation: HB 5040 (Limits expenditures of lottery funds from the Watershed Conservation Grant Fund for local grant expenditures by the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board for a six-year period beginning July 1, 2025.) Info mtg. & Public hearing Feb. 25-26 

  • Oregon Business Development Dept.: HB 5024; Info mtgs. 3/12, 13 & 17. Public Hearing 3/18

  • Oregon Dept. of Emergency Management: SB 5517  

  • Office of the Governor: SB 5523 

  • Oregon State Fire Marshal: SB 5538 info hearing 2/19, public hearing 2/20.  

  • Dept. of Transportation: SB 5541 info hearing 3/03-6, public hearing 3/11

  • Dept. of Administrative Services: HB 5002 info hearings 3/03-5, public hearing 3/06.  Meeting Materials  

  • Legislative Administration Committee, Legislative Assembly, Legislative Counsel Committee, Legislative Fiscal Officer, Legislative Revenue Officer, Commission on Indian Services and Legislative Policy and Research Committee: HB 5016

  • Lottery Bonds: SB 5531: an average debt capacity of $564 million in each Biennium. Public hearing in April. 

  • Emergency Board: HB 5006 This bill will be a vehicle to accept testimony from the public during six community meetings around the state from March 22 ending April 25 on the public’s priorities for the 2025-27 budget.

  • General Obligation Bonds, etc.: SB 5505: an average debt capacity of $2.22 billion per Biennium. Public hearing in April.  

  • Six-Year Limitation/Bonds: SB 5506 (Limits for the six-year period beginning July 1, 2025, payment of expenses from fees, moneys or other revenues, including Miscellaneous Receipts, but excluding lottery funds and federal funds, collected or received by various state agencies for capital construction.)


By Claudia Keith and Team

See the Climate Emergency section of this Legislative Report. There are overlaps with this Natural Resources Report. We encourage you to read both sections.



A work session is set for March 26 for the Eelgrass Action Bill (HB 3580), a bill for kelp and eel grass conservation.  The League signed on to a letter in support. of HB 3580. A work session is also scheduled on March 26 on a bill to protect Rocky Habitat (HB 3587). Here is a one-pager: Rocky Habitat Stewardship Bill (HB 3587). The League also signed on to a letter in support. We asked for funding for a staffer in the Dept. of Land Development and Conservation budget to continue to address rocky habitat, an element of the Territorial Sea Plan which the League has supported as elements were added and updated over the years.  


By Peggy Lynch

The League supports SB 830, a bill that modifies provisions of the on-site septic system loan program to allow for grants. It also allows for the program to consider mobile home parks in need of septic upgrades. The bill passed the full Senate March 6 and has been assigned to the House Committee On Climate, Energy, and Environment.

Here is the Onsite Wastewater Management Program 2025 Rulemaking webpage. Because of the League’s work on SB 391 (2021) and additional bills in 2023, a League member served on the rules advisory committee to address sewer availability and accessory dwelling unit (ADU) issues. On Feb. 26 the advisory committee approved the Fiscal Impact Statement. A public comment period is expected in May. You are welcome to Sign up for email updates about this rulemaking via GovDelivery.

The League again served on an annual rulemaking advisory committee on water quality fee increases.  A meeting was held on Feb. 25th where the committee agreed to forward their recommendation for the allowed annual 3% fee increase to the DEQ Director. To learn more about this rulemaking and the advisory committee you can view the rulemaking web page at: Water Quality Fees 2025.


DSL is seeking comments on a proposed sale of state-owned land located on the south shore of the western side of Hayden Island in Multnomah County. The 45-day comment period is open from March 5 – April 19.


The Dept. of State Lands is seeking comments on the proposed Elliott State Research Forest Operations Plan. Click here to view or download the proposed plan, project overview map, and appendices. Click here to view only the proposed plan (PDF) The 45-day comment period is open until 5 p.m. on March 31. Here is a more complete notice of the plan with opportunities for virtual public meetings.  


By Rebecca Gladstone

The League spoke and filed testimony on HB 2581 in support of a statute change, substituting the word “seismic” with “hazards”, to coordinate coverage efforts through the State Resiliency Officer. The bill has passed the House. The Senate Committee On Veterans, Emergency Management, Federal and World Affairs passed and is headed to the Senate floor.


By Josie Koehne

The League will continue to follow SB 1051, assigned to the Senate Rules Committee and which transfers the authority to appoint a State Forester from the State Board of Forestry to the Governor. A public hearing is set for March 24.

HB 3103, a bill that would direct the State Forester to establish “sustainable” harvest levels for harvesting timber on state forestland and develop a timber inventory model to inform sustainable harvest levels while ignoring the court affirmed “greatest permanent value” was heard on March 3rd in the House Committee On Agriculture, Land Use, Natural Resources, and Water. The League OPPOSED. A work session is scheduled for March 31.

See also the Wildfire section of this report below and the separate Climate section.


The League continues to follow the bills listed on the March 17 agenda of the Senate Committee On Rules since some of the bills relate to the process of rulemaking. After legislation is passed, agencies are required to implement those laws. That action often requires rulemaking to clarify the details around that implementation. But the League is concerned when legislators “get a second bite at the apple” by relitigating the legislation when rulemaking is only meant to implement, not change policies.  

Separately, the League was invited to a conversation among state agency rules staff on addressing concerns of the Governor and in an attempt to standardize the process statewide. The Governor has provided Rulemaking Guidance to state agencies:

This document includes questions received from agencies since the Governor’s letter. This document includes additional resources for agencies including direction to post updates to the Transparency site, a website template that agencies can use (if they choose) to develop their pages, and links to other comprehensive agency rule making sites to review.   

The League will also attend a separate rules process discussion being led by the Dept. of Land Conservation and Development. See the Land Use section for more information on this issue. 

We continue to watch a series of bills related to rulemaking which we might oppose: HB 2255, HB 2303, HB 2402 and HB 2427.  We are also concerned with HB 3382, since the requirements of the Secretary of State to gather ALL the state agencies’ rulemaking, including all materials would be overwhelming. Individual state agencies provide that information on their rulemaking websites.  We may sign on to a letter explaining our concerns to legislative leadership.  

Because the League is often engaged in rulemaking, we regularly comment on legislation that would affect changes in Oregon’s current Administrative Rules. We have provided testimony in opposition to HB 2692, a bill that would create complicated and burdensome processes for agencies to implement legislation with their rulemaking procedures.  


By Sandra Bishop/Peggy Lynch

The Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) met on March 20-21. The meeting on March 20th included a joint meeting with the Community Involvement Advisory Committee (CIAC). Discussion among commissioners and advisory committee members focused on the Community Engagement Guidelines (old title: Public Participation Guidelines). Staff explained the purpose is mainly to modernize the language. The Guidelines are a work plan or program for Goal 1 (Citizen Involvement). Some language is being changed to align with the Strategic Plan. It was noted that timely delivery of information and opportunity for involvement is very important.

Commission members asked about the racial equity framework and asked if there was also consideration for geographic equity. One commissioner pointed out there seems to be a disparity between large well-organized organizations, usually based in urban areas, and the ad hoc groups more likely to occur in rural areas. Staff assured commissioners that points of interaction should be available to all. The staff will align with best practices and use creativity to support opportunity for involvement. Socio-economic status was mentioned as one of the conditions to consider when looking at how to create equitable involvement opportunities. Staff is creating educational material to explain what are local government obligations under Goal I (Citizen Involvement). The materials will be available on the website.

 A motion was passed by the Commission to accept the 2025-2027 CIAC Work Plan with an updated version of the Community Engagement Guidelines (staff will work on revisions with CIAC members and bring back to the commission).

Business Oregon’s Infrastructure bill, HB 3031 had a public hearing on Feb. 26 in the House Committee On Housing and Homelessness. The League supports this important funding bill. LWVOR testimony. Governor’s news release.  A -2 amendment was adopted and the bill was sent to Ways and Means.  

Bills we are following: 

  • HB 2138: Expands allowable middle housing and expands middle housing requirements to include urban unincorporated lands, filed at the request of the Governor. A public hearing was held on March 3rd in House Committee On Housing and Homelessness where a -1 amendment is posted as a “gut and stuff” for the bill. The Governor testified in support of the bill, but received concerns about the provision to allow for easier demolition of historic buildings and has stated that such a provision will be removed in the next amendment.  Also not included was a provision that the League had objected to that would have exempted courtyards from cottage cluster development.  At this time, the League is not planning to testify on this bill. Another public hearing will be held March 26 and a work session is scheduled for April 2nd. 

  • HB 3145: Allows the Housing and Community Services Department to use Local Innovation and Fast Track Housing Program Fund moneys for factory-built housing. A work session is scheduled for March 24.

  • HB 2950: A bill to update Goal One and Public Participation is being sponsored by Oregon’s American Planning Association. The League is interested in the bill, but has some concerns. We understand there will be an amendment proffered. Scheduled for a Work Session March 31st in the House Committee On Agriculture, Land Use, Natural Resources, and Water. Because of the requirement to do rulemaking, the bill, if passed by the Committee, will be sent to Ways and Means. 

  • HB 3013: Details the process by which a permit or zone change that is based on provisions of a comprehensive plan or land use regulation that fail to gain acknowledgment is voided and any resulting improvements or uses are removed or revoked. LWVOR supports with -1 amendment. The bill was not scheduled for a work session.

  • HB 2316: Allows designation of Home Start Lands to be used for housing. These lands are currently a variety of state-owned lands scattered around the state. A public hearing is scheduled for March 26 and a work session on April 2nd.

  • HB 2400:  Allows the owner of property outside an urban growth boundary to site an additional dwelling on the property for occupancy by a relative of the owner. A public hearing was held Feb. 10. No work session was scheduled.

  • HB 2422: Requires that lands zoned to allow density of one or fewer dwellings per acre to be considered a rural use. A public hearing was held Feb. 10. No work session was scheduled.

  • HB 3062: Requires local governments to map sensitive uses as part of a comprehensive plan. A public hearing is scheduled for April 1 and a work session on April 3.

  • SB 462: Requires the Oregon Business Development Department to establish an education course for land use planners for local governments, special districts and state agencies. LWVOR supports educational efforts but there are other training opportunities so this proposal might be redundant. A public hearing was held on Feb. 19 in the Senate Committee On Housing and Development. No work session was scheduled.

See also the Agriculture section of this report and the Housing Report in the Social Policy section of this Legislative Report.


By Peggy Lynch

Bills we are following in the House Committee On Agriculture, Land Use, Natural Resources, and Water

  • Deschutes Basin Water Bank Authority (HB 3806). Work Session scheduled for March 31.

  • Water Right Process Improvements (HB 3342). Work Session scheduled for April 7.

  • Contested Case Process Improvements (HB 3544). Another public hearing will be held April 2 and a work session is set for April 7.

  • Place-Based Water Planning (HB 3116) Work Session scheduled for March 31. League supports.

  • Chewaucan Basin Collaborative (HB 3114) Work Session scheduled for March 26.

  • Harney Basin Groundwater Management (HB 3800) Public hearing set for March 26 and Work Session for April 7.

  • 3/24: Water Conservation, Efficiency, and Partial Forfeiture Protection (TBD) Still awaiting a bill number.

  • 3/31: Water Right, Dam Safety, and Well Related Fees (HB 2803, HB 2808) League supports. Needed to provide current service level staffing at WRD. Public hearing scheduled for March 31 and Work Session for April 7 on both bills.

  • 4/2: Water Rights and Public Interest (HB 3501) Work Session set for April 7.

Other water bills we are following: 

  • HB 3525 is related to tenants’ right to well water testing. The League submitted  testimony in support. Work session set for March 26.

  • HB 3526 would require well water test reporting in property sales. The League supported this concept in past sessions and did again this session. Work session set for March 26.   

  • HB 3364  makes changes to the grants programs at the Water Resources Dept.  Testimony provided comments and concerns with agreement that all parties would continue to work on finding agreement on an amendment.   Work session set for March 31.

  • HB 3419  is the major broad set of water policy changes that is now described by the various amendments posted since this is really a “gut and stuff” bill!  The committee Co-Chairs announced that more amendments are expected. Per Rep. Owens: the -2 and -3 amendments on HB 3419 will NOT move. No work session was scheduled.

  • HB 2988:  Instructs the Water Resources Department to take certain actions related to aquifer recharge and aquifer storage and recovery. A work session is scheduled for April 7.

  • HB 3573, a bill that addresses funding for a variety of water measurement strategies.  The League supports. No work session was scheduled.

LWV Deschutes County submitted a letter in support of SB 427, a water rights transfer bill meant to protect instream water flows. The Governor has provided an alternate bill that may have more of a chance of passage. Possible work session scheduled for March 27.

HB 3106 is the Oregon Water Data Portal funding bill for which the League provided testimony in support. A work session is scheduled for March 31st in House Committee On Agriculture, Land Use, Natural Resources, and Water where a -1 amendment was shared that would create an entire multi-agency system for gathering the water data needed for good decision making. The League has yet to determine if this new proposal is good for Oregon. See the following presentations and presentations. The League has not weighed in on the amendment. 

The Co-Chairs of the House Committee On Agriculture, Land Use, Natural Resources, and Water are working on a broad package of water-related bills, the 2025 Water Package. There is a Water Caucus raising the awareness of the need to address Oregon’s water needs. 

League members may want to check the U. S. Drought Monitor, a map that is updated every Thursday. Here is a more complete website about drought in Oregon. 

We all need to pay attention to the potential for harmful algal blooms. “When in doubt, stay out.”  Visit the Harmful Algae Bloom website or call the Oregon Public Health Division toll-free information line at 877-290-6767 to learn if an advisory has been issued or lifted for a specific water body. House Bill 3314, sponsored by state Reps. Rob Nosse and Mark Gamba, would direct about $1 million to Oregon State University to finish designing a channel that would cut through Ross Island. See coverage here. A work session is set for March 24.


A new Rulemaking Advisory Committee has been formed related to Permitting and Mitigation in Oregon's Wetlands and Waters.


By Carolyn Mayers

The League followed activity on a number of wildfire bills. March 18 brought a Public Hearing on HB 3666 -1 before the House Committee on Judiciary. This bill would require an electric public utility to apply for a wildfire safety certification, and allow a consumer-owned utility to apply for a wildfire safety certification. It aims to address inconsistencies in the current mitigation process undertaken by utilities. A Work Session is scheduled for April 1. This article from the Oregon Capitol Chronicle describes recent tweaks to the bill meant to allay fears over the original bill relieving utilities of liability.

The House Committee on Climate, Energy and Environment held a Work Session on March 20 on HB 3172 -2, relating to home hardening grants. It was sent to Ways and Means with a do-pass recommendation. Later the same day, the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Wildfire held a Work Session on SB 82 -2 which changes how grants are administered for the Oregon Conservation Corps, which does wildfire mitigation work. It also was sent to Ways and Means with a do-pass recommendation.

The League or Oregon Cities has been closely following the Legislature’s work on trying to craft bills to try and implement some of the recommendations of the Wildfire Funding Workgroup. This helpful summary published March 21 succinctly describes this wildfire funding framework. 

Rep. Shelly Boshart Davis’ newsletter included the following: State Reps. John Lively and Bobby Levy have introduced a bipartisan proposal to fund wildfire prevention and suppression in Oregon that largely mirrors a set of recommendations that emerged from a task force that met on the topic over the last year. House Bill 3940 would create a 5-cent surcharge on bottles and cans to raise money for the Department of the State Fire Marshal, dedicate money raised by an insurance tax to pay for wildfire prevention and set aside money from the state’s reserves…

...The work group was tasked with finding at least $280 million a biennium to spend on wildfire mitigation and suppression, in the face of increasingly expensive wildfires. The 2024 wildfire season burned a record 1.9 million acres and fighting the blazes cost upwards of $350 million.

The group estimated that in the 2025-2027 budget cycle:

  • A 5-cent bottle fee would raise $200 million

  • The insurance tax will raise $140 million

  • A set-aside from the ending fund balance equal to .5% of general fund appropriations would raise $164 million

  • Setting aside half of the expected 2025-27 transfer to the state rainy day fund would raise $299 million

The bill also proposes to raise forest harvest taxes that pay for wildfire suppression and lower the fee grazing land owners pay for fire protection from the Oregon Department of Forestry.

The League was pleased to see SB 85, a bill that directs the State Fire Marshal to establish a neighborhood protection cooperative grant program, will have a public hearing on April 1 and a work session on April 3. 

Bills we are watching:

  • Senate Bill 1051, Governor Kotek is seeking the authority to choose the next State Forester.

  • HB 3077, a bill which would allow local government employees to volunteer for up to 30 days in a year to serve as volunteers in wildland fire suppression in emergency situations. A work session will be held March 27.

  • SB 926 would prohibit the recovery of certain costs and expenses from customers that an electric company incurs as a result of allegations of a wildfire resulting from the negligence or fault on the part of the electric company. A work session is set for March 26.

HB 3172 directs OSFM to establish a grant program to facilitate the retrofitting of dwellings and accessory structures (aka home hardening), to reduce vulnerability to wildfire. The bill was amended and passed the committee to Ways and Means.

Volunteers Needed 

What is your passion related to Natural Resources?  You can help. Volunteers are needed. The long legislative session begins in January of 2025. Natural Resource Agency Boards and Commissions meet regularly year-round and need monitoring. If any area of natural resources is of interest to you, please contact Peggy Lynch, Natural Resources Coordinator, at Training will be offered.

Interested in reading additional reports? Please see our Climate EmergencyGovernance, and Social Policy report sections.

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