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Volunteer With the League
Volunteers are vital to our success. There are plenty of ways to get involved with the League depending on your interest, skills, and availability. Check out the various volunteer teams below. Training and mentorship is provided in all areas!
Climate Emergency
Advocates year round for a variety of agency rules, policies and budgets that are consistent with the best available climate science and that will ensure a stable climate system for future generations. LWVOR supports the Our Children’s Trust/Crag Environmental Law Center state and federal lawsuits and we oppose expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure. Volunteer opportunities: -Following policy at the state and local levels. -Training with LWVOR Advocacy Committee. -Working with legislators to affect policy changes. -Drafting Letters To the Editor, testimony, Action Alerts, and more! Areas of interest: -Natural and Working lands -Transportation -Climate Related Lawsuits -Public Health Climate Adaptation -Oregon Treasury: ESG investing and fossil fuel divestment Main contact: Claudia Keith -
Protecting Democracy
Governance advocacy issues including ethics, efficiency, citizen participation and access, public access law, and contemporary privacy and technology issues. Election policies include laws and administrative rules, campaign finance, redistricting, and alternative voting methods. Areas of interest: -Redistricting -Campaign Finance -Cybersecurity -Voting Rights -Elections Main contact: Norman Turrill -
Social Policy
The broad Social Policy area includes: housing, adult corrections, judiciary, juvenile justice, public safety, gun safety, violence preventions, health care, mental health, immigration and refugees, foster care, social services, and women’s issues. Actively lobbies for anti-poverty programs to help low income and at-risk people move toward financial stability. Volunteer opportunities: -Following policy at the state and local levels. -Training with LWVOR Advocacy Committee. -Working with legislators to affect policy changes. -Drafting Letters To the Editor, testimony, Action Alerts, and more! Areas of interest: -Human rights -Immigration, Refugees & Asylum Seekers -GLBTQ+ -Basic Human Needs Main contact: Jean Pierce -
Works year-round on improving air quality, combating climate change, coastal management, clean energy, proper disposal of hazardous materials and solid waste, conservation, land use, parks, clean and abundant water supply for all, wetlands protection and other resource preservation, and budgets related to Oregon’s 14 natural resource agencies. Volunteer opportunities: -Following policy at the state and local levels. -Training with LWVOR Advocacy Committee. -Working with legislators to affect policy changes. -Drafting Letters To the Editor, testimony, Action Alerts, and more! Areas of interest: -Air Quality -Land Quality -Recycling and Waste Prevention -Coastal Programs -Fish and Wildlife -Columbia River Gorge -Geology and Mineral Industries -Oregon Marine Board -Parks and Recreation -Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board Main contact: Peggy Lynch -
Follows student success, early learning, career technical programs (CTE), PK-12 and higher education. We advocate minimizing barriers impacting education for children at risk or historically underserved and underachieving youth. We advocate for best mental health practices for teachers and students in an ever- changing environment. Main contact: Jean Pierce -
Join our Youth Outreach committee for opportunities around youth civic engagement, mentorship, event support, and voter outreach. Support our growing Youth Council operated by young Oregonians from around the state and our award-winning Oregon Student Mock Election! Examples of volunteer opportunities: -Mentoring Youth Council members -Supporting Oregon Student Mock Elections in your local schools -Supporting youth civic engagement events -Youth voter registration drives at high schools and college campuses Main contact: Diana DeMaria and Mimi Alkire -
Do you have a passion for being an election observer? Are you interested in helping host a forum for local candidates on the 2024 ballot? The LWVOR Voter Service team is interested in talking to you! We are looking for volunteers who are interested in many aspects of the Voter Education process, including helping run a voter registration drive, researching ballot measures, distributing Voters’ Guides to local locations, and more! Examples of volunteer opportunities: candidate and ballot measure reasearch -Voters' Guides -Voter registration drives in your community -Election forums -Election observers Main contact: