Legislative Report - Week of 6/12

Governance Team
Coordinator: Norman Turrill
Campaign Finance Reform: Norman Turrill
Cybersecurity Privacy, Election Issues, Electronic Portal Advisory Board: Becky Gladstone
Election Systems: Barbara Klein
Redistricting: Norman Turrill, Chris Cobey
Voting Rights of Incarcerated People: Marge Easley
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By Norman Turrill, Governance Coordinator, and Team
**Action Needed: Please contact your State Senator and Representative to encourage them to support these Bills **
Many have increased relevance in light of the DMV data breach, see our blog post.
These bills have been referred out to Joint Ways & Means:
HB 2049 B Rules were suspended to move this Cybersecurity Center of Excellence bill, passed the House floor 56 in favor, 1 excused, on June 13. League testimony in support.
HB 2052 B Rules suspended to move this AG Data Broker bill, passed the House floor 49/9/1 on June 7. League testimony in support.
These bills await Senate readings and subsequent action:
HB 2107 A: This OHA extension of automatic voter registration passed the House on a partisan vote of 34/25/1, so votes in Senate Rules need our support (sent from the Senate floor).
HB 2490 This cyber omnibus bill awaits third Senate floor reading, June 20. The League urges for maximum protection of public health, safety, and the environment. Defending our critical infrastructures is at stake (our testimony).
HB 3073 A awaiting first Senate reading, scheduled June 16, passed from the House floor, May 31, 55 to 1. See our Feb 16 testimony in support of candidate and incumbent home address privacy.
SB 619 B This larger bill from the AG’s bill consumer data protection task force got carried over by unanimous consent on the Senate floor to June 20. See our testimony.
Cybersecurity and Privacy
By Rebecca Gladstone
The OR Senate walkout from May 3 finally ended on June 15, with a quorum present. 394 bill actions were scheduled including 40 from the House, which suspended rules to increase by 10. 144 bills have already been signed by the Governor (Axios). Stand by for advocacy support news, possibly on short notice from the League. The lack of transparency and access, not scheduling public hearings for bills and amendments progressing in committees, is a serious problem the League expects to address after this session.
Please help us advocate for the bills listed above for Governance Action. These also relevant bills now awaiting Senate attention. Many are League priorities:
HB 2806 A Relating to public meetings and cybersecurity, further re-scheduled for Senate reading June 20. See our testimony. This bill passed the House 58/0/2.
HB 3127 A: We are following this “TikTok” bill, relating to the security of state assets. Currently further rescheduled for June 15 and 16, dates subject to change.
SB 166 Enrolled: The Senate concurred with House amendments June 15, 22 to 0, for final passage of this Secretary of States’ omnibus bill to address privacy and harassment concerns among many other topics. There is a proposed cash “physical currency” limit to directly address dark money concerns, of $100 annually, for aggregated cash campaign contributions. See our March 14 testimony and previous extensive reports, predating amendments.
SB 510 Enrolled: The Governor has signed this Public Records Advocate and Council funding, effective on the 91st day following adjournment sine die. There has been no legislative action on SB 417, the related policy bill, since the February 7 public hearing for which we attended weekly work group sessions from February to May.
Campaign Finance
It was announced in the June 8 House Rules Committee no CFR bill will be moved forward during this long session. The interim will be used to continue these discussions to hopefully bring back a bill in next year’s short session. For campaign finance reform, the League wants true reform without loopholes for large special interest organizations.
People Not Politicians has started collecting signatures on IP 14 petitions downloadable from its website. Thousands of signatures have been collected, but more donations are needed.
Government Ethics
By Chris Cobey
HB 2038 B: Requires statement of economic interest to include certain information about sources of income for business in which public official or candidate, or member of household of public official or candidate, is officer, holds directorship or does business under, if source of income has legislative or administrative interest and 10 percent or more of total gross annual income of business comes from that source of income. Prohibits candidate or principal campaign committee of candidate from expending campaign moneys for professional services rendered by certain businesses required to be listed on candidate's statement of economic interest. Creates exceptions. 6/13: Passed House, 51-5; 6/14: Senate first reading and referred to Ways and Means.
SB 168 Enrolled: Expressly prohibits public employees, while on job during working hours or while otherwise working in official capacity, from promoting or opposing appointment, nomination or election of public officials. 6/15: Passed Senate 22 to 0.