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Legislative Report - Week of 5/29

Governance Team


Coordinator: Norman Turrill 

  • Campaign Finance Reform: Norman Turrill

  • Cybersecurity Privacy, Election Issues, Electronic Portal Advisory Board: Becky Gladstone

  • Election Systems: Barbara Klein

  • Redistricting: Norman Turrill, Chris Cobey

  • Voting Rights of Incarcerated People: Marge Easley

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Campaign Finance

No bills on campaign finance have yet been scheduled for a hearing and are unlikely to be scheduled, considering the walkout in the Senate. For campaign finance reform, the League wants true reform without loopholes for large special interest organizations.



People Not Politicians has started collecting signatures on IP 14 petitions downloadable from its website. Thousands of signatures have been collected, but more donations are needed.


Cybersecurity and Legislative Delays

By Rebecca Gladstone

Oregon’s Cybersecurity put at risk by Senate walkout


This is on the annual sine die t-shirt, “Sine Die 2023 It’s Hammer Time at the Capitol”:


Hopes for breaking the Senate walkout logjam seem slim, now in the sixth week. The singular focus on HB 2002 is likely to kill many critical bills as processing time vanishes, including critical cybersecurity bills carried over from 2022. Delaying cybersecurity action is already exacting high prices for Oregon, asking for more trouble. Meanwhile, some bills are moving through W&Ms on short notice.

SB 166 A addresses some privacy and harassment concerns, amended with a proposed cash “physical currency” annual aggregate limit of $100 for campaign contributions, to directly address some dark money concerns. This is the biennial Secretary of State bill to correct various election laws issues, supposed to be non-controversial. It passed the House on June 1 with no votes against. See our March 14 testimony and previous extensive reports, predating amendments.


Sitting in W&Ms:

HB 2049 A: This cybersecurity omnibus bill is now assigned to W&Ms Sub Education, referred March 3 Do-Pass with amendments, A-Engrossed. See our testimony in support.

HB 2052 A: This AG Data Broker bill is now in the full W&M awaiting a work session. League testimony in support was filed before current -7 amendments.

SB 619: This larger bill from the AG’s bill consumer data protection task force had a work session in full W&Ms and passed unanimously. See our testimony.


Waiting for Senate floor attention:

HB 2107 further rescheduled for Senate floor reading on June 1, after passing in the House, 34 to 25. See earlier reports for this Oregon Health Authority automatic voter registration extension.

HB 2490: This cyber omnibus bill awaits second and third Senate floor readings, scheduled for June 1 and 5, subject to change. The League urges for maximum protection of public health, safety, and the environment. Defending our critical infrastructures is at stake (our testimony).

HB 2806, relating to public meetings and cybersecurity, further re-scheduled for Senate readings 2 and 3, to June 1 and 5, dates subject to change (our testimony).

HB 3073 A passed from the House floor, May 31, 55 to 1, awaiting first reading in the Senate. See our Feb 16 testimony in support of candidate and incumbent home address privacy.

HB 3127: We are following this “TikTok” bill, relating to state asset security. Currently further rescheduled for June 1 and 5, dates subject to change.

SB 1073 A had no action since referral to W&Ms April 10, to establish a state Chief Privacy Officer (CPO). See our supportive testimony including related bills and the hearing video, details in previous reports. Not yet assigned to a subcommittee.

SB 510 Enrolled, for Public Records Advocate and Council funding, awaits the Governor’s signature. SB 417, the related policy bill, for which we attended weekly workgroup sessions from February to May, will be receiving the awaited group amendment proposal, with no legislative action since the February 7 public hearing.


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED. Worthy causes go unaddressed for lack of League volunteers. If you see a need and can offer your expertise, please contact our staff at

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