Legislative Report - Week of 2/27
Governance Team
Coordinator: Norman Turrill
Campaign Finance Reform: Norman Turrill
Cybersecurity Privacy, Election Issues, Electronic Portal Advisory Board: Becky Gladstone
Election Systems: Barbara Klein
Redistricting: Norman Turrill, Chris Cobey
Voting Rights of Incarcerated People: Marge Easley
Campaign Finance
House Speaker Rayfield submitted a new bill at the request of Governor Kotek on campaign contribution limits, HB 3455. Analysis has shown that this bill is very similar to Rayfield’s previous bill, HB 2003, and bills from previous sessions, with the same gaping loopholes for special interest groups. The League will likely oppose this bill when and if it gets a hearing.
House Rules held a public hearing on 2/27 on HB 3261 about prison gerrymandering by Rep. Holvey. The bill directs the Department of Corrections to determine the last-known address of prisoners, if an address is readily known or available, and submit that information to the Secretary of State. The Secretary would then adjust population data reported in the federal decennial census to reflect the residence status of prisoners before incarceration. This data is then used for redistricting and other purposes. This is important because prisoners are currently counted in the census at their prison location, not their homes. This greatly distorts the population of some districts, thus distorting the representation of voters in those districts. Several other states have completed this reform, and the League is generally in favor of this bill.
Cybersecurity and Public Records
By Rebecca Gladstone
Bills progress here after comprehensive introduction, now facing amendment or support negotiations in Joint Ways and Means (JW&M). Watch for budget bills and others to appear shortly.
HB 2049-2: This amended cybersecurity omnibus bill had a fifth and final committee hearing followed immediately by unanimous Do Pass recommendation to JW&M. Chair Nathanson noted that cyber-attack and warfare threats are real, not theoretical, citing Oregon special district and city attacks in the last month, and over 800 data breaches registered with the Oregon Dept. of Justice. Chair Woods calls this one of the most important bills we’re looking to pass this session; it will touch every area. We all know the seriousness, if we don’t pay attention. The League supports. Here is our testimony.
SB 417: We worked to ensure access for serious stakeholders in a task force that met last week to discuss concerns and negotiate to recommend amending this bill. The League supports and urged for this task force in a public hearing, our testimony.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED. Worthy causes go unaddressed for lack of League volunteers. If you see a need and can offer your expertise, please contact our staff at lwvor@lwvor.org.