Legislative Report - Week of 2/17

Governance Team
Coordinator: Norman Turrill
Campaign Finance Reform: Norman Turrill
Cybersecurity Privacy, Election Issues, Electronic Portal Advisory Board: Becky Gladstone
Election Systems: Barbara Klein
Redistricting: Norman Turrill, Chris Cobey
Voting Rights of Incarcerated People: Marge Easley
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Campaign Finance Reform
The Portland City Auditor wants to ask the Legislature to nullify (preempt) the campaign finance reform Charter Amendment approved by 87.4% of Portland voters in 2018. This would undermine the express desires of Portland voters and open the doors to a deluge of big money flowing into Portland elections. It is unclear if the Auditor will convince city representatives to lobby for this idea in the Legislature.
Social Policy, Immigration, Hate Crimes
By Becky Gladstone
Numerous bills followed here have not been scheduled for hearings. Their committees are still introducing members to their issues. Weather cancellations included Joint Information Management and Technology IT modernization planning. Here are recent bill updates:
HB 2341, (League testimony in support), passed unanimously in a work session. The bill would add veterans’ email addresses to shared information in providing services.
HB 5017; League testimony was presented and heard in support of this Oregon State Library budget bill.
HB 2570 is scheduled for a work session 19 Feb. League testimony was submitted and presented in support of this privacy bill to make new [non]disclosure law to keep PII (personally identifiable information) confidential for employees working with OSHA investigations or inspections.
SB 473 creates a new crime of threatening a public official. League testimony in support was written and presented. Sen Prozanski, Sen Judiciary Chair, suggested forming a work group for this complex issue.
We are researching these:
HB 2710, to put victims of child abduction onto the list of those able to join the Address. Confidentiality Program. A public hearing was cancelled due to weather.
HB 3012, relates to 16 or 17 year-olds voting in school district elections, and it has not been scheduled for a hearing.
HB 3384, a County Clerks’ bill to alter the election calendar to allow not processing petitions during election season, has not moved since a Feb 3 public hearing. We are watching for amendments and intend to support it.
SB 18 would increase penalties for election law violations. A public hearing was almost scheduled, but was withdrawn for this complex bill, with amendments already underway.
Government Ethics
By Chris Cobey
HB 2727 further limits what lobbying a legislator can do after leaving office. It was heard in House Rules Feb. 10. The League supported this bill with testimony.
HB 3130 would allow unpaid school district board members to not file statements of economic interest (SEIs) with the Government Ethics Commission. It was heard in House Rules Feb. 10. The League opposed this bill with testimony, since conflicts of interest do not depend on the size of a school district or if a public official is paid or not.