Donating to LWVOR
Your contributions to the League of Women Voters of Oregon, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. There are multiple ways you can donate to LWVOR:
Donate via our secure online form.
Set up a monthly checking account deduction.
If you name LWVOR as a beneficiary of your IRA or 401(k), your distribution will not be taxed. Beneficiary forms are available from your account administrator.
Leaving a bequest to the LWVOR in your Will or Trust may lower estate taxes, although we recommend consulting with an estate planning professional. Notifying the League of your plans will ensure that we follow through with your wishes.
Designate a percentage of your life insurance policy to benefit the LWVOR.
Donating stocks, bonds, or mutual funds to the LWVOR is tax deductible and may reduce your capital gains taxes.
Giving our League an endowment is pivotal to the continuance of LWVOR’s 100+ years of influence on voting rights and voter education in Oregon. Your generous gifts can create a perpetual revenue stream for the League. Investing $25 can give the League $1 annually, based on 4% expected market gains. The Oregon Community Foundation manages close to 450 endowments for the benefit of communities throughout Oregon and is now celebrating its 50th year.